The goal of this infographic is to explain the concept of Scrum Workflow used in app developent environment, in a concise and appealing way using illustration that otherwise would require some couple of long paragraphs to do.
Since this infographic contains lots of information, I needed to balance it by making it colourful and fun. So that the viewers would keep interested while understanding the messages behind it. Thus the colour pallete I used was high contrast and colourful palette with darker shades for the shadows to create the 3D feel.
With illustration that has many objects in it; it's more likely each object would cause the image composition to break. That's why I needed to take the visual balance more carefully and came up with solutions for it. Like grouped the people by their department in particular way, wrote their job position in vertical, used arrow as workflow direction and used niche objects as visual cues to explain the general concept of their jobs.